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Foamers: crafting the perfect cocktail foam

February 5, 2024
6 min read
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In the captivating world of mixology, where every detail makes a difference, foam creation in cocktails is an art in itself. As a cocktail enthusiast, I embarked on a journey of discovery to explore the variety of ways to bestow that heavenly crown of foam upon a cocktail.

Traditionally, many rely on the tried-and-true egg white, but times have changed, and the world now offers a palette of alternatives. From the elegance of classic egg whites to innovative vegan options – I've tested a variety of possibilities and want to give you a comprehensive insight into the world of cocktail foam.

Let's dive into the subtle differences, quirks, and merits of each method to ensure that your next cocktail not only impresses on the palate but also seduces the senses with a foam crown.

Egg White – the classic

Egg white has always been the traditional choice to give cocktails a luxurious and silky foam. It not only provides a pleasant texture but also imparts a certain stability. Especially in classic cocktails like the Whiskey Sour or Pisco Sour, egg white is indispensable. It perfectly melds the flavors and lets the foam dance gently on the surface.


Egg white not only creates a dense, creamy foam but also offers a pleasant mouthfeel that uniquely transforms the cocktail. Thoroughly emulsifying the egg white is crucial to achieve the optimal consistency.


The small amount of egg white subtly influences the cocktail's taste and can help blend the flavors, which is particularly important in acidic cocktails like Sours.

Fee Foam – the modern alternative

Especially for vegans or individuals with an egg white allergy (like myself), there are fortunately various options nowadays. My personal favorite is Fee Foam Cocktail Foam. This product is designed to give cocktails a hassle-free and delightful foam with just a few drops into the shaker. It's easy to apply and delivers consistent results.


While the foam is lighter and less dense than egg white, it still achieves excellent results. Adding Fee Foam can stabilize the foam and impart an additional layer of flavor.


Fee Foam Cocktail Foam is flavor-neutral. The specialized recipe is made with purely plant-based ingredients and without any animal or dairy products.

Aquafaba – vegan and stable

Another alternative is aquafaba, the liquid found in cans of chickpeas or other legumes. Aquafaba has amazing foam-forming properties and can be an excellent substitute for egg white. It gives cocktails a light yet stable foam.


The foam produced by aquafaba is remarkably similar to traditional egg white – very dense, creamy, and stable. However, the quality of aquafaba foam may vary depending on the brand of canned chickpeas.


Unlike egg white, aquafaba is not always entirely flavor-neutral, as the quality may vary by brand. In my experience, it usually won't significantly impact or compromise the cocktail. For me, aquafaba is a common and well-received alternative.

Sugar Syrup with egg white

For those who don't want to completely forgo egg white but seek an alternative, there's also Giffard's Egg White Sugar Syrup. This blend of sugar and egg white offers an intriguing combination of sweetness and foam formation. The real egg white in the syrup is mixed with sugar syrup, allowing you to adjust the addition of sugar or liqueurs based on the recipe.


The combination of sugar syrup and egg creates a lighter foam that is less stable than pure egg white. This works well for cocktails where an airy consistency is desired.


The sugar syrup not only adds sweetness but also a subtle flavor note that can steer the cocktail in a sweeter direction. This is particularly beneficial in combination with fruity or floral cocktails. Note when adding Giffard Syrup: depending on the recipe, reduce or omit the addition of sugar syrup. The same applies to sweet liqueurs – you may need to add slightly less to maintain the balance of all ingredients.

So, which option is right for you?

Choosing the right foam maker depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you're a traditional cocktail enthusiast who appreciates the classic taste of egg white, then using egg white is the best choice for you. It gives your cocktails that distinctive texture and ensures an authentic taste experience.

However, if you're avoiding animal products or just want to try something new, we recommend trying one of the vegan alternatives. Fee Foam Cocktail is a convenient and reliable option to grace cocktails with a delightful foam. Aquafaba also provides an easy way to experiment with an unexpected ingredient twist. With Giffard Syrup, you're close to the original egg white experience, but you need to be mindful of how you assemble the cocktail as sweetness must be taken into account.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Experiment, discover new flavor experiences, and impress your guests with perfectly frothy cocktails!

I hope this blog post has helped you understand the various options for foam formation in cocktails.

Cheers and have fun mixing!

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